Learn extremely useful ways how to use whey the by product of making yogurt and cheese.
I am excited writing about all of the things that can be made from yogurt.
You may have read how to make yogurt in a slow cooker and strain that yogurt for for how to make Greek yogurt and the by product of this process is whey. Now what the heck are you going to do with that smelly yellow liquid called whey? I searched and searched to find out how to use whey everyday.
How to Use Whey
I tried to drink it. Blech! It is really gross. It tastes like sour milk. It is perfectly safe to drink, you just have to find a way to mix it with something you like to drink. It almost tastes like lemonade, but NOT. I came across a recipe of how to use whey in a lemonade kind of drink from Eating from the Ground Up, she has a really great site on natural eating. I guess you could say this whey drink is an acquired taste. I still didn’t like it, but I was determined not to give up and to find a use for 3 cups of this stuff each week. Whey is good for you too. Off to do more research.
How to Use Whey in Drinks
I found the best thing to put whey in is fruit drinks. Fruit seems to mask the sour taste. After I open a bottle of juice and pour out about a cup I will add a cup of whey into the juice. The kids nor I can tell much difference in the taste. I am adding more protein in their drinks, and the juice lasts a little longer. Juice seems to camouflage the sour taste of the whey really well.Next is to add a couple of tablespoons to a fruit smoothie. The key is to keep it sweet when adding whey to any drink. I have tried to add it to things like milk and it just tastes like sour milk.
How to use Whey When Baking
Another way to think of whey is like a clear buttermilk. Whey makes a great substitute for water when making bread recipes. This makes the bread have a sour dough taste or use the whey for making pretzels. Try whey when making homemade biscuits too, since it acts like buttermilk.
I hope you try to find creative ways to use whey once you have started making your own yogurt. I would love to hear from you if you have any other great ideas how to use whey every week.
Okay, I totally want to try it in bread and biscuits!!!! That sounds great! Now I just have to put in the effort to make the yogurt 🙂
My mother, years ago, used whey to combat hives….As I recall she just put it on her skin like a lotion. Maybe somebody else remembers a similar use. She used to travel to a cheese making factory to get whey…
Just FYI, you can use whey in fermenting foods. Check out wild fermentation, or nourishing traditions for some recipes you can use whey in 🙂
Yes I have seen this, but I have yet to try it myself. Thanks so much for the info!
I saw a recipe for making a delicious fermented lemonade the other day! I wonder if that would be good?
I have tried it. Let’s just say it is an acquired taste.
This is a great way to make protein shakes. I assume. Protein powder is expensive and contains isolates instead of concentrate protein. The questions I have is how to determine the amount of protein per oz? Do you store in frig or is it better kept at room temp? What types of food can you ferment with whey? Thanks
I found this web site for how many grams of protein in liquid whey as compared to Greek yogurt. Two grams per one cup does not sound like much. I store mine in the fridge. There are many websites that ferment food with whey, but I have not tried them. I have tried many fermented food, but I do not like the taste.
in my home country Iran we use the whey to make a snack called ghare ghoroot which is so sour but is very popular and is very good for your liver. unfortunately not many people from around the world likes the taste as they not get used to it. how ever i dont know how they making it exactly but i know they boil it until get darker and then add flour to it and leave it to set then cut it in different shapes. the taste similar to tamarind and some people add to their stew for a little bit of flavor,
writing this comment was so mouth watering for me. 🙂
OMG!!! I just used it to make homemade beef stroganoff. (I omitted the sour cream as this was perfect). The “gravy” was more a brown color than the creamy, but very delicious!!!
That is fantastic. You are so clever to use whey like that. I will have to try that next time.