Have you ever wanted to know how to freeze food to save time? These Freezer Items will ensure you have a variety of food to eat at all time and to make a dinner quickly in a pinch. Keeping items frozen will not only save time, but money too!
I am making a list of items that freeze well and I will add to this list when someone gives me a new idea or I find something else I can freeze. Here is how to freeze food to keep for a long time and the best way to thaw them.
i freeze butter and margarine,milk, yogurt, slice cheese.things that dont freeze good is block cheese and sour cream.
Thanks for the tips. How do you freeze milk? Do you freeze the whole gallon or poor into another container.
I freeze block cheese. To thaw do not open and lay on the counter until room temperature then refridgerate again. I need to add that one.
i freeze the whole gallon,some ppl pour a little out before freezing.the jug expands so it could bust,i haven't had any problems.i will try the block cheese again.i like to stock up when i can get it cheap.