I hope everyone had a great Easter. We did here at our house. My favorite part was when my four year old thought we had to kill the eggs, because we were going to dye them. I am still cracking up over that one. You can take a peak at our dyed eggs on Instagram. Follow me on Instagram for more photos of our family adventures and to see what I am up to on a daily basis. You can get a little sneak peak into what we are up to, since I simply can’t post everything here on the blog.
OK enough about me. This party is about you and your wonderful Earth Day Activities this week. I am always so delighted in the amazing posts you share and to find new recipes, try new crafts and find new activities. You can follow my Crafts for Kids board on Pinterest for more inspiration on cute crafts for kids. Don’t forget to look at my tips each week on how to be featured. I provide great little nuggets of how to have a better blog and to be featured here.
Printable Earth Day Activities
Color Pages for Kids: Earth Day for Boys brought to you by Crystal & Co.
Sorting Recyclable Free Printable brought to you by Tot Schooling
Earth Day Pollution brought to you by Every Star is Different
DIY Nature Notebook brought to you by KC Edventures
FREE Earth Day Pack for Toddlers and Preschoolers brought to you by Tot Schooling
How to Be Featured
- Be sure to subscribe to Pounds4Pennies so you be in the know on everything going on here!
- Follow the Mom’s Library Pinterest Board to see all of our featured posts each week. Also follow Pounds4Pennies on Pinterest. (I pin lots of things!)
- If you were featured this week grab my button below and add it to your post. Thank you.
- Please leave me a comment that you stopped by to see me. That would truly make my day!
- Pinterest TIP: Be sure to use key words to fill out the Alt Text and Title for every picture you post. This makes it easier to Pin and for Google to find your picture in a search!
A List of Blogs Who Share This Party
True Aim Education Life with Moore Babies Crystal’s Tiny Treasures iGame Mom Ready-Set-Read Home is Where They Send Us Meaningful Mama Inspired by Familia
If you were featured here at Pounds4Pennies, please grab a button to place on your post.

*By linking up, you are granting me permission to use and/or re-post photographs from your blog or website that may be featured the following week. So let’s get this party started!
Ooops! Looks like I kinda forgot to add the code. Here it is sorry for the delay.