This how to carve out me time when you are busy post is sponsored by Walmart and Oui Yogurt from Yoplait. All opinions expressed are my own.
Are you a busy mom and feel like you have no time to yourself?
You are always on the go, even if you don’t know where you are going?
Sometimes we need to carve out a little me, since we are the glue that holds everyone together. I have a few tricks up my sleeve to give you more energy and some me time.
Wake Up Early
I know you think this is completely crazy. How can waking up early give you more energy ? It is how you use this time to gain the most of your day, life and goals. Wake up 30 minutes to an hour before you normally get up. Spend 5-10 minutes of that time in complete silence. There is no one talking or interrupting you. The next 5-10 minutes focus on your goals for the day, month or year. Spend a little time planning out your day. Think about what you want to accomplish. Lastly spend 5-10 reading a good book.
Silence is Golden
As a mom, silence rarely happens around here. I feel like I am telling everyone to hurry up, or to get their stuff, and we are late. Every day seems to be a rush. Taking a few minutes in silence can help calm your thoughts and help you think more clearly when you get to that point.
Planning is Key
I take a little time each day to plan my day. While I am sitting there planning my day, I enjoy a cup of yogurt to start my morning off right.
While shopping at Walmart, I found Oui yogurt in the yogurt section. After I tried it, I am now hooked on this French style yogurt. While completing my bullet journal, I eat my yogurt and focus on the tasks I have to complete for the day or month.
Reading is Learning
Taking a few minutes for some me time reading, is the best way for me to finish a book. Before kids I used to read all the time. Then my excuse was, “I just don’t have time to read.” Now carving out a little me time in the morning, I can sit and read for about ten minutes. I have completed two book s over the summer reading this way. This is two more books than I read all of last year.
Getting Me Time In The Day
By doing all these things in the morning, you can accomplish so many things in the day. Using this me time for myself, I feel like I have gained enormous part of me back. Plus eating Oui yogurt feels like a secret indulgence I can eat on my own and I don’t have to share. I feel like I have already accomplished so much before the kids even get out of bed.
These are all the little things I felt I didn’t have time for any more. Now I do and you can too.
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Take some me time to enjoy your day.
What great ideas. Having one kiddo meant I could still have some “me” time, even though it was somewhat curtailed. But adding in more kiddos subtracted any time I had for myself. This list makes it look easy – and all of them are things I can actually DO that won’t take much time at all. Granted – the “getting up early” part is a little hard for me LOL – but it’s worth a try if I can feel more focused and ready for the day. Thanks for sharing these great ideas !