I went to my first blog conference this weekend. I had a fabulous time meeting other women who are like me. That right there is a great boost. Above area few pictures from the conference and speakers and a few friends. There are several friends I have met online through Facebook and Twitter I was so excited to get the chance to meet in person.
Here is my favorite picture at BBC. This is Laurie Turk from Tip Junkie. I started following her a couple of years ago. She shared several of her secrets to her success. I was so excited to get the chance to hear her speak with her and take a picture with her. She shared how her blog exploded with volume and traffic using a few tools I hope to incorporate soon. I can only hope and dream.
I now have a better focus of what this little blog is supposed to be and how I want to help the women around me more. The main purpose of this blog is to help women save money, families to eat healthy and share ways to have fun with your family. I know that sounds like a lot, but this is the way I live my life and want to share with all of you. At the conference, I decided to define my goals. Once I had goals and focus, so many ideas for articles came flooding into my little brain. I hope you are as excited as I am with what I am about to share with you.
I gained so much more confidence and direction from this conference. This is what made my ticket priceless. The knowledge I gained along with all the connections I made were just wonderful and something no one can take away from me. So glad I had the chance to meet all my friends who live in my computer and know they are actual real people! Plus the new ones I will now stay in contact with to help and support each other.
One of the best things I never get to experience was coming home and having all the kids rush up to me and give me a hug because they missed me. I am so glad my husband gets to experience that feeling every day. It brings a smile to his face to have the kids run up and give him a hug. I really missed my kids while I was away at my conference and it felt really good to be missed too. The first question out of their mouths was, “What did you bring me?” Thank goodness to our wonderful sponsors I had something to give to everyone including me!
Jenn L says
It was so nice to meet you and get to talk to you this weekend! I am so excited to hit the ground running with all of this info, too! 🙂 Great photos!
miss donna says
it was my first blogging conference too! and it was truly a pleasure to have met and spent time with you…i enjoyed it. there’s nothing like coming back and implementing everything you’ve learned. BBC was a great investment in professional development.