I have discovered it is difficult for me to write everyday. I tried to do it this week, but I just don’t have that much free time. I started my green series for the month of April in honor of Earth day. I am no gardening expert, but I am sharing techniques with all you fabulous readers that I have found online. I will report the progress throughout the growing season and take lots of pictures. Any additional tips are welcomed and wanted. I have been told my Green cleaning kit has been shipped. I can’t wait to use it and share one in a giveaway with all my current readers and soon new readers. Be sure to Like Pounds4Pennies on Facebook to know when this is going live.
This week started off slow then had a crescendo with tornadoes here in the Dallas area. It has been confirmed that there were 16 tornadoes that touched down that day here. You can read my tornado story. I still managed to score some awesome Allegra and not get wet.
Little miss managed to dislocate her shoulder in the middle of the week too. After a long trip to the hospital and x-rays to find out nothing was broken. It finally popped back into place Saturday. Yeah she can play volleyball next week. I was worried I spend all that money and she has only been to one practice and one game. This is one sport she really loves.
Our neighbors behind us had their son’s 5 year old birthday party we went to this weekend. It was great, since we didn’t have to get in the car and go anywhere. We had a great time. Little face loves their playground out back. He played and ran around for hours, which leads to a great nights sleep for all.We had a wonderful time with my parents this Easter. We went to the 9:15 service at church. At home we had a fabulous ham covered with cloves and pineapples. I made garlic mashed potatoes and we had green beans. Click the link for Friday Finals to see how much I paid for all the items in our Easter meal.
Garden is growing fine. So far the cucumber is slowly dying off. I have a few more plants I can plant to try to get them to grow. It is raining once again today. We will have to do the Easter egg hunt inside again this year. Although it might be fun to watch the kids get wet, but I wouldn’t want to be the one hiding the eggs.
Happy Easter to you and your family! These eggs look fun!! We colored our eggs in Kool Aid this year (found on pinterest). So easy!! I have a picture on my blog. I'm surprised how great they turned out!