My husband went out of town on Wednesday. I didn’t know this until Monday, since I am a planner this through me off a little. I planned on picking up Little Face’s backyard playset on Tuesday. Hubs was out of town all week last week. I did really well with the kids while he was out. I had meals planned for three and fun crafts and fun things to do. However, Wednesday is the day my week started to go down hill.
I did well staying patient on Wednesday. We bought a new Adventures Rock Climber and Slide playset for Little Face for his birthday (It was last month, but I just got around to ordering the gift and it came in) Hubs didn’t have the chance to finish putting the backyard playset together before he left. We had pieces of the backyard playset and a large box in the yard when he left. Naturally the kids wanted to play with the box. We broke out the washable markers and they had a great time coloring the backyard playset box.
Little face had chose green, his favorite color. And was coloring over the backyard playset box while the other kids were guarding their drawings from the drawing wrecker, Little Face. Little face went inside the box and then he was quiet, too quiet. I had my step son check on him. Yup the cat now has green stripes instead of just his natural orange stripes. Little face wanted to match the cat, so he had green stripes too! I still had patience and just smiled and laughed it off. Never leave a small child in a backyard playset box with a cat and a marker!
We had Sloppy Joes for dinner. What kid doesn’t love sloppy joes? Yeah, I was still rockin’ as a mom. Little face, who still has green on his face from the marker earlier, has decided it was funny to rub the sloppy joe on his face. Which I am quickly discovering is a new thing for him. At this point we have reached maximum bath time, since there wasn’t a clean spot on the kid any where.
Thursday it was just the three of us, since the other two were with their other parents. Little face had preschool to go to during the day. I focused on doing things with my blog and getting some emails out while he was at Moms Day Out at my church. That evening we went to a meeting at school for our Little Miss and Step Son to go away to a sleep over camp for all 5th graders. I was given a packet of HOMEWORK, paperwork to complete. Yeah I am so glad. I really hate paperwork.
Then Friday comes. I swear I woke up and just knew it was going to be a bad day. Maybe it was just the slight hangover I had from the couple glasses of wine I drank the night before. We all woke up. Finally got both me and Little Face dressed and ready for the day. The plan was to review his sight words and have a mini home school lesson today. I just didn’t feel like it. I asked him what he wanted to do today. He wanted to go play at the mall with Thomas and the inside playground, since the backyard playset was not put together yet. Yeah let’s go for it. I can write a quick article while he is playing on the playground.
On the way out of the subdivision my friend called. She asked if I was going to the mall, since she is right behind me. Yeah I am going to the mall. I told her we would be a the train table then head to the playground and let’s get something to eat. Alright I wasn’t really excited about it, since I was hoping to get a post done and let Little Face play and try to multitask. Didn’t happen and visited with my friend instead. She is more real than all of my friends in my computer anyway. Right?
Little Face has got to be tired. The ride home will be so relaxing, right? He will be asleep before we get home. I am hoping. No, his favorites song from Cars started playing on the radio and he was dancing and singing in the back of the car. Cute, but I am still hoping for a break by him sleeping. I take him to bed and let tell him he needs to rest for at least 10 minutes in his bed. He does and get’s up, now what? Backup plan, have him go lay in our bed and watch TV. He is one kid who NEEDS to sleep. Still hoping he will go to sleep, so I can get my Friday post done.
Again no, it didn’t happen. Last resort, I needed to go pick up Little Miss after school and hoping and praying we can get him to snooze now he is in the car again. He gets louder and crazier when no naps happen. At this point mama needs a break. Still no nap. My patience is about out the door right now. Still trying to keep cool, but man I just need a break. Let’s all go outside and color with sidewalk chalk, knowing he does not even like to color. I colored and made several pictures for him. He is not entertained. I need some quiet time. Little Miss offered to watch him while I laid in bed for a little bit, but that usually ends in a lot of screaming from Little Face. I did finish the little tiny thing I needed to get my post done and posted. YEAH!
By the time Hubs got home I had to tell him that Little Face had to go outside and I really needed some quiet time. Sigh, I just felt the relief of quiet once the door closed. Just what I needed before I blew up. We had a great dinner. Finally after dinner we finished his backyard playset and he got to play on it, and now I can go out in my backyard and let him play on his backyard playset to get all of his extra energy out!
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