I have been searching for Valentine crafts for kids, especially boys, for me an little face to make. Then it hit me. What do little boys, especially Little Face, like? BUGS so we made some easy felt Valentine crafts any one can create for boys or girls. These cute little bugs are so much fun to make and to play with. I think we will be making Valentines for Little Face’s class this year.
Valentine Crafts for Kids
Materials for Valentine crafts for kids:
Felt (Get some Valentine colors)
googley eyes, or sequins (we only had sequins)
pipe cleaners
Glue (Hot glue, I did this part)
Heart punches or cookie cutters in different sizes
1 inch round punch
Directions how to make Valentine crafts for kids:
I’ll WORM my way into your heart
1. This little wormy guy is simple to create. Cut five or six little hearts out of felt in different colors of pink, red and white.
2. Glue the tip of the hearts onto the bumpy part of the other hearts to look like worm.
3. Glue a small circle on the top.
4. Using a pencil to make really nice curly antenna, curl a pipe cleaner around a pencil. Then bend in the middle and make a second curl then cut. Doesn’t this look like a little heart? Too cute!
5. Glue right behind the little guys head.
6. This Worm needs some personality. Give him a couple of eyes and a little mouth out of a pipe cleaner or what ever else you may have on hand.
Valentine Bugs
1. Cut large hearts. I used my cookie cutters at templates. For the butterfly glue two same colored hearts together. Only one is needed for the lady bug.
2. Glue a little round head on top. Following step 4 above make antenna with a pipe cleaner.
3. Glue on dots and let your child create designs by sticking sequins all over their little love bugs.
Aren’t these so Valentine crafts for kids cute. Little face really liked making them for his class. I picked up some pencils from the dollar store and we may glue them on the back to give as an easy and simple Valentine gift for his class. I love using felt, since it is so cheap. I am just frugal like that. I think I picked these three colors for about a $1 at Joann’s. I had the sequins so this is what I used. Take a look at my Valentine gift ideas, if you are looking for Valentines Gifts. For more inspiration follow me on Pinterest or follow me on Twitter.
Theresa @DearCreatives says
Hi Amy, This is a super cute project & I’d love for you to link it up at my weekly link-up. Here is this weeks (below) but, you can visit the site & link up anytime. I added my party button to your page. Thank you for hosting that. I missed your comment as it went to spam & was just checking them and saw yours. Thanks for dropping by. I already follow you (G+), but am adding you to twitter. Have a great weekend ahead. Theresa @DearCreatives
Julie Moore says
Very cute craft idea for Valentine’s Day! Thanks for linking this up to our Sweets For My Sweetie link-up! They’re perfect! 🙂
Diana Rambles says
Carrie says
These are ADORABLE! You’re right, not a lot of Valentine crafts for boys :). Thanks for sharing at Pinworthy Projects.
lish @ Imprintalish says
Super cute-might have to do this project this week-I have lots of felt laying around!
Tulip says
So cute! I love the idea of making an animal out of the hearts for Valentine’s day. Great craft.