It is inevitable you will go out to eat. Don’t panic and don’t over indulge. Stick to your guns, even when you are going out to eat. I know this is hard to do, so I am going to give you a few simple items to look for on the menu to help you make healthy choices to eat clean when eating out. If you have the option to choose, choose a resturant where it will be easy to make good healthy choices.
Tips on Eating Clean When at a Restaurant
1. Grilled protein. Order grilled chicken, grilled fish, or steak. You know you probably wanted to order steak anyway. Stay away from fried food. The baked potato or steamed vegetables are a better choice than french fries.
2. Salads. Order the dressing on the side, so you can choose how much to put on the salad. Try adding half the dressing and toss your salad. You may not need as much as you thought. Salads are a good option to eat clean when eating out, since salads are mainly made of vegetables. Get a grilled protein such as chicken or fish and choose a balsamic vinaigrette or natural dressing.
3. Order from the gluten free or low carb menu. Most restaurants have these allergy menu options options available. These meals tend to be closer to the clean eating diet. Take a look at what is offered and stick with a grilled protein and no bread or pasta.
4. No Sugar Drinks. Stick to water or tea. Ask if they have any honey to sweeten your tea. Most restaurants do have honey available. Here is where you may order a glass of wine or beer to celebrate an occasion. Stay away from the sugary mixed drinks.
5. No fried food. Stay away from fried foods such as chicken fried steak, fried chicken, french fries and fried pickles. Fried is just bad. Fried pickles are a family favorite around here. I have found a baked version I can’t wait to try, but I assure you they do not bake them in the restaurant.
6. No chips and Salsa. These chips are usually fried. Stay away from the free chips and salsa. This is my hardest thing to do. If I do indulge, I get 5 chips or less and put them on a plate. Once they are gone, I am done. No more. This is a serious weakness for me. So I understand and feel your pain.
7. Fast food tips. If it is a fast food restaurant, see if they have low carb options for their sandwiches. Most do these days. You just need to ask. If no low carb, see if there is a whole wheat bun option. Again stick to the grilled options, like grilled chicken or steak and skip the fries.
8. Have a buddy. Have a small talk with your significant other to help each other when picking out dinner options. If you make a verbal promise to each other before you leave, you will tend to make healthy dinner choices to eat clean when eating out together.
Even these little changes can make a big difference. If you tend to not give in even when celebrating you will not start to crave those bad foods again. Stay to making the same choices when eating out as you do at home. It actually makes it easier to eat clean when eating out, since you really reduce your choices. I used to not eat any red meat at all for years. I was also a vegetarian for a year. So this is doable just takes a little will power. You can do anything you set your mind to. I know you will succeed.
I honestly think about how I am going to feel if I make a bad choice. Not that I will feel guilty, but I really don’t feel well the next day. While this one meal may taste good, I will feel sluggish and tired the next day. I love the energy I have now. I can keep up with my 5 year old and not be constantly tired all day long. I even sleep better. I really don’t want to give that up. Stay up to date by following Pounds4Pennies on Facebook and follow my 31 day Clean eating challenge on Pinterest.
What challenges do you face when eating out?
Do you have any tips or tricks to eat clean when eating out?
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