I started clean eating about a year ago. To be honest I didn’t even know it had a name. I just wanted to provide better food for my family. It was so much fun making everything myself. After some research, I realized it had a name. I wanted to help others learn how to start eating clean too. Throughout this month we will learn how to stock a clean eating fridge, how to create a clean eating pantry and tons of clean eating recipes to make this a huge success.
10 Reasons to Start Eating Clean
1. Chemicals in processed food. It is good to see a shift in large corporations finally taking out additional additives and preservatives that are no longer needed. But we are there yet folks. There are far too many unnecessary additives in food. This is a good reason to start eating clean.
2. Lose weight stay healthy. It is impossible to lose weight on a high processed food diet. Eating naturally occurring food is easier for your body to process and break down.Natural food nourishes the body not destroy it.
3. My mom. My mom was not in the best health and did not take care of herself. After losing her last year, I wanted to eat healthier, exercise more and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
4. Feel better. You will be amazed when you start eating clean food, you will feel better. Things are easier for me to accomplish. Even your brain feels better too. It may sound silly, but I do feel cleaner on the inside.
5. Clean Eating is a lifestyle choice. No more trying a specific diet or counting calories. Eat healthy be healthy. Any diet to lose weight will incorporate a clean eating diet. This a lifestyle choice.
6. Eating like our grandparents. Many of the diseases today such as coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes are directly related to the food we consume made by corporations. Too much of a bad thing is bad for you. Our grandparents ate far less sugar and processed food and had fewer health problems.
7. I love a challenge – I love to cook and I love to be creative in the kitchen. Decreasing ingredients allows me to be more creative in the kitchen.
8. Teaching kids how to eat. I love to teach my kids to eat healthy food. It warms my heart, when my little guy says he wants spinach on his sandwich and he eats salads. He really likes salad too! I know I am providing a healthy base for his eating habits for the rest of his life. If you start young, it is more likely to stick with them.
9. Eat a wide variety of food. Both my husband and I love to experiment with food. When I go to the grocery store, I spend a little more time looking at the fruits and vegetables. Have you thought about purchasing something you have never tried before? It is so much fun to go home to see what you can make with it. This makes clean eating fun to try new things.
10. Peace of Mind. I feel satisfied knowing I am making nourishing food for my family. They are getting the nutrition they need for their little growing bodies.
Confession I still sometimes use sugar, but it is moderation. Sugar should be considered a big treat, not an everyday right. Moderation is key. Follow along on Pinterest for more Clean Eating ideas and daily inspiration. Check out the 31 Days Clean Eating Guide for more ideas.
I am not a registered dietitian or health care provider. I am sharing my journey for a better life to help you reach your health goals.
Why do You Want to Start Eating Clean?
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