I was sent invitation to the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration. I paid a modest fee, which included a room at the Disney Yacht Club, park tickets and amazing events, parties and perks while attending. There was no requirement to blog about Disney, the conference or the events, but I just had to share. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this article are my own.
I was beyond excited to get the news I was invited to the 2015 Disney Social Media Moms Celebration. You may have even heard me squeal when I opened the email. Yes I was that excited. This is something I had been dreaming about, since I had found out about it. And my dreams finally came true this year.
Disney Social Media Moms Celebration
This event is normally held around Mother’s day to not only celebrate Disney, but to celebrate moms. The best part is my family was able to come with me to enjoy Disney World. This is what makes this conference so magical. I will be sharing all the magic and fun we had as a family in another post coming soon. While I was in the Disney Social Media Moms conference I heard from a variety of speakers on many subjects.
The Speakers for Disney Social Media Moms
There were thirteen speakers at this conference. We learned everything from healthy eating from Chef Gary (Disney Food Blog) to living comfortably in your underwear from Hanes plus many more. There were three speakers that really stood out to me. Jonas Rivera from Disney Pixar Animation, Vivienne Harr from STAND and Donald Driver Author and former NFL player.
Jonas from Pixar
Photo courtesy of Preston Mack
Jonas gave us the insight to how to make a movie. Not just any movie, but a Pixar movie the new one, Inside Out. I now have a better understanding of movie making as I sit down with some popcorn and enjoy an hour and a half long movie. One of the best things about his presentation, was being able to tell my kids right away it takes five years to make a Pixar movie. And their response was “That is why they are sooo good!” I was also able to share that they edit, edit and re-edit the movie before it is done. This was so helpful for my teens to hear, since they hate editing their work. I think this gave them some insight that in order to get it right, it needs to be redone. We got a small sneak peek at the movie Inside Out. It will be great to take tweens and teens to go see when it comes out June 19th. The magic of Pixar is able to create a movie that appeals to all age levels and Inside Out knocks it out of the park!
Vivienne from Make a STAND
Photo courtesy of Preston Mack
Vivienne was a sweet 11 year old girl who wants to put an end to child slavery around the world. She shared her story how she started a simple lemonade stand to raise money at the age of 8 to help others she didn’t even know. She stayed at that lemonade stand for 365 days selling lemonade. I do not know many people, let alone children with this girl’s determination. If you would love to help end child slavery and read more about her story you can visit her website Make a Stand to purchase or find where you can purchase lemonade to end childhood slavery. Vivienne taught me, “You don’t have to be big or powerful to change the world. You can be just like me.” ~Vivienne Harr. One powerful statement from one little girl.
Donald Driver
Photo courtesy of Preston Mack
Donald Driver was very moving and inspirational speaker. I think you can see his energy in his smile. He was so captivating I found myself just emerged in his story. He was able to help me look into my own self with his stories. He said, “Don’t blog for attention, blog for a reason.” That statement put many things into a better perspective for me and gave me more direction with my purpose. The other powerful statement he said, “stars do not struggle to shine, rivers do not struggle to flow, and you will never struggle to excel in life because of the power of your passion.” If you share your passion others will see it. He has written a book for kids about Bullying, “Quickie Stands up to a Bully.” We received a copy of the book at the conference and my son loves reading it before bed. An inspirational story for kids of all ages.
I did learn a lot from the other speakers I just can’t fit it all in. I was able to get some inside scoop on what the Disney parks will be doing in the future. I found out about some amazing Disney Apps, Disney Video games and the Disney Fan Club D23. What a magical place to have a conference? The food was wonderful. The entertainment was phenomenal. I and my whole family were blown away with the amazing time we had at Disney Social Media Moms conference this year. Stay tuned for more Disney magic coming your way soon.
When was the last time you went to Disney?
Congrats on getting to visit! One of these days I’d love to go.
wow what a cool experience ! I love Disney – they always do amazing things so I can only imagine how cool it was!