I am finding such great joy with so many things I can make myself at home like peanut butter. Just buying pure simple ingredients and processing them myself. I experimented with peanuts this week and we made peanut butter with honey. If you have ever eaten fresh homemade peanut butter, you may never buy the […]
Search Results for: 30 minute
Simply Amazing Slow Cooker Chicken Recipe
You may already know how much I am in love with my slow cooker. To be honest I rarely used it until about a year ago. Now I am obsessed with finding new recipes and making all kinds of dishes and treats using this amazing kitchen appliance. I use my slow cooker almost everyday. Sunday […]
Cake Batter Pancake and Bacon Recipes
I was given free bacon from Petit Jean Meats to help create this recipe. All thought and bacon opinions are my own. I made heart shaped bacon last year for Valentines Day, so I needed to top it this year with something even better: Cake Batter Pancakes and Bacon recipes. I made these Cake Batter […]
Quick and Easy Yogurt Homemade Facial Masks
We all could use a day at the spa, but really who has the free time and money to go to the spa all the time? Our family is busy, since our kids are involved in many activities throughout the week. By the time the weekend is here, I am exhausted, but I sure don’t […]
How to Make Homemade Mayo Recipe
Making homemade mayo is easy with just a few simple ingredients. It really takes just a few minutes and the only special thing you need is a blender. Once you taste fresh homemade mayo you will not want to eat store bought again. Easy Homemade Mayo Recipe (affiliate links have been used throughout this post. […]