This is day 8 of How to Live on One Income Guide. To read all the post in order start on Day 1 here.
Having an organized and well stocked pantry can save you money. You may be wondering how this is possible. If you know what you have to eat, it is easy to create meals quickly. You will not buy unnecessary items at the store if you know what you have on hand.
First take every single thing out of the pantry and clean the shelves and the floor. Spend a little time and line them with some pretty contact paper. This makes it super easy to clean. Next start placing the items neatly back on the shelves. As you are placing the items back on the shelves, note the expiration dates. If it has expired, then it is time to toss it. I have provided an easy Pantry inventory list for you to keep track of the items in your pantry. Create a system that works for you and your family. Affiliate links may be used in this post.
10 Tips to Creating an Organized a Pantry
- Clear Food Storage containers for bulk items. Label the container so everyone knows what is inside
- Have all the cans facing the same direction and lined up nice and neat and according to expiration date.
- Label the shelves, so not only you know where to put things back, but so does everyone else
- Extra storage shelves on the door. This is worth the investment
- When putting items back in the pantry keep like items together
- Lazy Susan in the corners to get the most out of those corners
- Place snacks down low so kids can reach them
- Not frequently used items should go on the top shelves
- Store cookbooks on a shelf in your pantry to have clean counters
- Large baskets for chips and bulk items so they can easily be grabbed easily
Having a clean and easy to use pantry will not only make you feel so much better, but will stop purchasing items you do not need. Once a week visit the pantry and see if any tidying up needs to be done. This should only take a couple of minutes. Be sure to use the cans in front and rotate new ones to the back. I just can’t stand throwing away food, since there are so many that do without. We try to eat everything we buy or make. If you want more inspiration see my guide to a clean eating pantry to get your pantry ready for clean eating.
[Go to day 9 of How to Live on One Income]
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