Homemade Fabric Softener Crystals
Why would you use salt as a homemade fabric softener?
Ingredients for Homemade Fabric Softener:
1 Cup Sea Salt
1 Cup Epsom Salt
20-30 drops of essential oil (Eucalyptus or tea tree smells nice)
Providing simple & practical solutions to everyday problems
1 Cup Sea Salt
1 Cup Epsom Salt
20-30 drops of essential oil (Eucalyptus or tea tree smells nice)
Amy Greene has a passion for creating items from scratch. She created Mainly Homemade to inspire families to cook homemade meals and create homemade crafts to create lifelong family memories. Receive creative family memories in your inbox.
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Ok this is fantastic! I have this stuff on hand and can’t wait to try it! YAY thank you so much
What a great idea. The cost of fabric softener has gone through the roof and this seems like a better alternative in more ways than one. Thank you for sharing!
I’m visiting today from Thursday’s Favorite Things.
You say to use 1/4-1/2. What? TBSP? cups? The total amount made?
Use a 1/4 to 1/2 cup. I guess I left that out. Thanks for catching this.
Do you add it at the start with detergent or just before rinse cycle?
I am sure you are supposed to add it at the rinse cycle, but I never remember. I just add it at the beginning.
Wouldn’t the salt harm the drum of the washing machine over time?
Definitely going to have to share with my life- she’s been looking for wars to cut back on household expenses like this. Thanks for sharing, your posts have really been helping us along with our new frugal lifestyle!
I am so glad these can help.
do you add to rinse cycle? or right from wash cycle?
I add at the start of the wash cycle. I have not added at the rinse cycle. If you try this let me know if anything is different.
I think this is a great way to replace Purex Crystals in my homemade laundry soap but I have an issue with your recipe. Epsom Salts is Magnesium Sulfate. Calcium and magnesium in water make your water hard which interferes with the cleaning action of soaps and detergents. What’s the point of adding scent to clothes that just aren’t getting as clean as they should be? Also, Purex Crystals aren’t a fabric softener, they’re a fabric enhancer. They just make your clothes smell better.
@Lia…I just read the same thing on another website. Just today, I made up some what I thought was fabric softener crystals using Epsom salt. Oh well, I’ll just use it along with some baking soda in my wash for now and see how it works out.